I sent this letter to my senators and my representative:
Dear Sir:
Are you kidding me? Is 14 Trillion in debt not enough? This is reminiscent of the problem exhibited by many American households: "I really want/'need' it, so I'll just buy it on credit."
Look where that has gotten us.
I say, though the heavens may fall, though our credit rating may be hurt, though anything else, STOP THE BORROWING, STOP THE SPENDING FOR NON-CONSTITUTIONAL "good" CAUSES.
The only way to start the upward climb is to hit bottom, abandon the (spending) addiction, clean house and move forward with firm resolve to "never again let this happen." *Then*, our rating, our dollar, and our prosperity will be better than ever, because
Please do not raise the debt limit. Period.
How is it that a private bank - The "U.S. Federal Reserve Bank", is continuing to print currency, devaluing my savings and my earnings, reducing our companies' ability to purchase overseas components and fuel... ostensibly under the guidance of the U.S. Treasury and therefore the U.S. Congress... Stop the printing of money, stop mortgaging our childrens' future. Stop devaluing the currency. Stop giving the Executive Branch more "money" to spend by fiat.
Sir, I have heard that you are the "real deal". If so, then why are you not in the media? You should be on with Sean Rima, Laura Ingraham, perhaps Beck, GMA, every morning and radio show.
Our country is falling down (well, really being mugged and nearly left for dead), and we're not hearing from anybody who gets what's going on, speaking, evangelizing, in the mainstream.
Who is John Galt?
Thank you,
Lane Bryson
To Kay Bailey Hutchison, I changed #3:
Madame, I know that you are not the "real deal". You are part of the problem that has brought us to this precipice. You are probably guilty of accessory to commit treason, and should be tried as such, by your complicit disregard for the wellbeing of our country and our constitution (it doesn't matter that you think something is a "good cause" or "brings home the port" -- it is illegal when it violates the clear and plain language of the Consitution. I asked my other representatives why they are you not in the media -- why are they not on with Sean Rima, Laura Ingraham, perhaps Beck, GMA, every morning and radio show. In your case, my one consolation is that you have not been publicly evangelizing your big-government progressive positions.
Our country is falling down (well, really being mugged and nearly left for dead), and we're not hearing from anybody who gets what's going on, speaking, evangelizing, in the mainstream.
What a world, when genuine acts of treason by political elites are ignored by the law enforcement; while speech that some deem "seditious" is somehow not protected, when of course the intent of the first amendment was exactly to protect those who speak out against the government.