- D - Dominant person in a relatinpship
- DD - Dominant-Dominant (a relationship where both partners are dominant)
- DMV -
- Game -
- Hypergamy
- LTR - Long Term relationship
- MMP - Marital Market Place
- MMV - Marital Market Value (1-10 rating of the person's "value" or appeal to another, for marriage, in the "market" place)
- PUA - Pick-up artist
- QT - Quality Time. Editorial: this can be any kind of doing things "together" cheerfully.
- RMV - Relationship Market Value (1-10 rating of the person's "value" or appeal to another, for the establishment of a longer-term relationship, in the "market")
- SAHM - Stay-At-Home-Mom
- SF - Sinle Female
- SM - Single Male
- SMP - Sexual Market Place
- SMV - Sexual Market Value (1-10 rating of the person's "value" or appeal to another, from a purely sexual standpoint, in the "market")
- Solipsism - a theory in philosophy that your own existence is the only thing that is real or that can be known (merriam-webster.com). In this respect, it really refers to believing in "your reality"
- In one aspect of dating and relationships, it is the notion that the more confident you are about your reality, the greater your power to influence or dominate the interaction; in other words, being strong, confident, and successful in mind so that you will be those things in actuality. Editorial: in moderation, it is confidence that leads to success; in extreme, it is debilitating self-centeredness.
- In another respect, it is projecting your own values and thoughts onto others, assuming that they see things just as you do. (A man rejecting a woman who he finds unattractive may assume that women are superficial vis a vis physical attributes, for example.) Or, "everything is as I believe it to be."
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