Dec 19, 2013

Acronyms and terms in the dating, "Game", relationship studies

These are acronyms and terms that you will see when reading articles and posts in this knowledge space, and what I have found that they mean.  I do not endorse many of these ideas, only want to help others to understand what they are reading

  • D - Dominant person in a relatinpship
  • DD - Dominant-Dominant (a relationship where both partners are dominant)
  • DMV -
  • Game
  • Hypergamy
  • LTR - Long Term relationship
  • MMP - Marital Market Place
  • MMV - Marital Market Value (1-10 rating of the person's "value" or appeal to another, for marriage, in the "market" place)
  • PUA - Pick-up artist
  • QT - Quality Time. Editorial: this can be any kind of doing things "together" cheerfully.
  • RMV - Relationship Market Value (1-10 rating of the person's "value" or appeal to another, for the establishment of a longer-term relationship, in the "market")
  • SAHM - Stay-At-Home-Mom
  • SF - Sinle Female
  • SM - Single Male
  • SMP - Sexual Market Place
  • SMV - Sexual Market Value (1-10 rating of the person's "value" or appeal to another, from a purely sexual standpoint, in the "market")
  • Solipsism - a theory in philosophy that your own existence is the only thing that is real or that can be known ( In this respect, it really refers to believing in "your reality"
    • In one aspect of dating and relationships, it is the notion that the more confident you are about your reality, the greater your power to influence or dominate the interaction; in other words, being strong, confident, and successful in mind so that you will be those things in actuality. Editorial: in moderation, it is confidence that leads to success; in extreme, it is debilitating self-centeredness.
    • In another respect, it is projecting your own values and thoughts onto others, assuming that they see things just as you do. (A man rejecting a woman who he finds unattractive may assume that women are superficial vis a vis physical attributes, for example.) Or, "everything is as I believe it to be."