Jun 4, 2012
On "Mormon support for the LGBT community"
Some Mormons marched in a "gay pride" parade: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865556863/300-plus-LDS-Church-members-march-in-Pride-parade.html
Speaking as someone who has had my own share of challenges and struggles, though not in this particular arena:
Here's the problem: it's an important distinction between loving someone who has a real challenge, and supporting and/or promoting it (e.g., "pride").
We should not "show our support" for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
We should show our love for everyone, and we *support* those who are striving to overcome life's challenges in their struggle to do so.
Those who embrace sin and deviance, we should love but not support them in their fall.
Beware those who call evil good, and good evil.