Please like/share if you think that this is at least worthy of discussion.
I believe that if I financially support evil, then I am a part of that evil, and that evil stains my soul. I believe that God expects us not participate in evil -- more than that, to peacefully, at least, stand for right.
Is this the year you and I decide to stop participating in...
* paying for peoples' abortions and organizations that advocate for and fund them,
* paying for the NSA, CIA, and other institutions to unlawfully invade your personal effects and private communication,
* paying other people for not working for years,
Is this the year you decide to not file, to not pay the IRS any more than a reasonable flat tax to fund the legitimate purposes of government? Or will you (and I) continue to sustain and participate in corruption by:
* paying for Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi and others' personal jets for work and for personal travel,
* paying for the destruction of the family, especially in inner-city and minority communities, and the general destruction of personal initiative,
* paying for unconstitutional institutions who saddle your family and your employer with burdensome and illegal regulations with which it is impossible for you to comply simply by virtue of the immensity, expansiveness and convolution of those regulations, thereby making you a criminal,
* paying for the power elite to rob your children and grandchildren of their future, to pillage your savings through deliberate devaluation of the dollar, to make you and all generations of your posterity dependent on the state for sustenance,
* paying for unlawful wars (such as in Libya) where the patriotic devotion of our fathers, brothers and sisters, and children, is abused, and where they are made to pay the ultimate price... while also paying for institutions and policies that remove your personal and natural right to legitimate defense of self, family and property,
* paying the bureaucracies, like the IRS and ATF, that unlawfully bully regular citizens who are exercising their lawful and constitutional privileges, meanwhile, even as their misdeeds are publicly known and documented, nobody goes to jail for it,
* paying for a system that gives lip service to "equal protection", meanwhile placing greater burdens on those who sew and reap more, that by policy and sometimes law places some persons above others based on race, gender, or even occupation, where some 'are more equal than others',
* paying for the government to propagandize its policies and initiatives,
* paying for entities with mandates such as the betterment of education, elimination of dependance on foreign energy, but that in every case have failed except to standardize on and promote mediocracy, even while their spending grows every year.
* paying for a leviathon that has the power to destroy you and your family, likewise to lock the doors of your business, to take all that you have, even to place you in internment camps (and has done so twice in the last one hundred years), without trial or conviction,
* paying for an organization that, while removing your personal and natural rights to place them in the hands of officials -- some elected some appointed, and some career bureaucrats-- that organization is also ceding its own sovereignty to outside organizations where you have no power or influence through the ballot, and thus no recourse by which to curb abuse,
* paying for a beast that has so compromised the marketplace and the currency, that power elite can engage in repeated pump-and-dumps, creating economic bubble after bubble, while each consequential crash resulting in consequences only for those who are not members of the club, as well as a new rash each time of additional laws and regulation, additional compromise of the marketplace,
* paying for a system that does not abide its own founding, defining, and instantiating document, nor the bounds set for its existence at its creation, who was established as a federation of entities, but has grown to see itself as the sole arbiter of its own rights and power... and who labels those people a threat who suggest that it should abide its own rules,
* paying to support a system of laws, policies, and people that are in general, if judged purely by their fruits (as only God can judge their souls), evil.
...in short, are you and I only going to continue to fund evil through the sweat of our brow, taking bread from the table of our children, to pay for the political and bureaucratic elite to lie to and abuse us, and steal from our future? Or do we, as Daniel in the time of old, simply and peacefully, cling to our principles, and leave the matter in the hands of God, no matter the consequences? (For creating the universe, giving us life, sustaining us daily, all that Almighty God asks is 10% of our earnings as a tithe. What is the national government doing that it demands more than God?)
Where do you stand? Words or deeds? Though I know what the right thing clearly is, I find it very hard to do the right thing.
I long to say and feel the courage of our fathers and of the man E.T.Benson, who said, "I'd rather be dead than lose my liberty."
Christians believe in rendering unto Caesar, and in being subject to kings, etc. ...but we believe that this nation's founding (and the revolutionary war that made it possible) was directed and inspired by God, albeit through imperfect men and women. And we know that God expects us to obey His laws. And how can we suppose that the people of this country will experience the personal reformation (return to virtue) necessary to restore this country if there is not the conflict that arises from simply doing what is right? (And by conflict, I mean the ripples and eddies that are present in any current past and around an immovable pillar of support; I do not mean armed conflict.) Things improve, it seems as one looks at history, only after struggle of some kind... think MLK, Gandhi, even the Magna Carta.
If doing what is right flies in the face of a law, then is not that law, by definition, unjust, and worthy of nullification by noncompliance?
I know that it is natural to be afraid, but I know that fear is not a valid excuse to participate in evil. And a search of the KJV Bible for "lukewarm" tells us how God feels about failing to take a stand, whether for better or for worse.
I know that one or a few of us, standing alone, will be destroyed, even as others who look on from the sideline will tsk-tsk and shake their heads, because the eventual consequences were easily foreseen. I know that a single mighty redwood will be felled by a very modest storm. But I know that many redwoods, though their roots are shallow, can withstand the tempest.
...I know that the more you feed the beast, the larger, bolder, and more invasive it becomes; but if you can starve the beast, it will eventually weaken and diminish after first lashing out.
Though the heavens fall, though we be persecuted or imprisoned as upstanding people often have been in history, we should do the right thing. I don't know whether I can - I know that I will lose my children; but in keeping my children, I have taught them how to compromise principles out of cowardice, how to exercise moral relativism and to be morally timid. The right thing is the right thing, regardless of consequences. Is it time to stand for principle? If the facts of the above are not in question, then is there a fault in the reasoning? Are you ready to stand? Or do you need more time to brace yourself? What do you say?
I know this is rough, it's a first pass; others could say it better. But, I've got work to do, to feed my children. And, here you have it, it is what it is. Please do share if it's worthy of discussion... your friends may think you're crazy for it, but then they'll always think I'm far crazier.
Mar 21, 2014
To continue feeding the beast, or not?
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